20 Reasons Why You Need Inner Peace and Tranquility

14/02/2011 07:00

20 Reasons Why You Need Inner Peace and Tranquility

Inner peace is not reserved only to yogis, hermits or monks, living in some far away place, praying or meditating all day long. It can also be attained by people living an ordinary life, who have a job, are married and have kids.

What is inner peace? It is a state of being emotionally and mentally at peace, without restless or disturbing thoughts, and being in control of one's mind, moods and reactions.

True inner peace is independent of external conditions and circumstances, and is acquired through special training. It confers tranquility, inner harmony and balance, and the ability to remain calm, undisturbed and in control of oneself and of the situation in difficult and unpleasant situations. It is is important not only while things move smoothly, but especially in times of trouble, difficulties or danger. Then it counts most.

A state of inner peace eliminates anxieties, fears and worries, negative thoughts, stress, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness. It is a state of emotional and mental poise, happiness, confidence and inner strength.

Though everyone desires it, albeit unconsciously, few realize its importance and benefits, and still fewer know that it is a skill that can be learned and developed. You can continue living where you are, without making external changes in your life, and yet attain inner peace. Some might progress fast and some at a slower pace. Some might reach far and others not so far, yet, everyone can make some progress that will transform their life.

Here are 20 reasons why you need inner peace:

 1. It improves your ability to concentrate.

 2. It improves your ability to handle efficiently the daily affairs of life.

 3. It increases your inner strength and power.

 4. Its possession eliminates impatience, anger, nervousness and restlessness.

 5. It helps manifesting patience, tolerance and tact.

 6. It makes you feel centered, grounded and stable.

 7. Being mentally and emotionally calm contributes to enjoying better sleep.

 8. You gain the ability to be emotionally and mentally unaffected by what people think or say about you.

 9. You gain the ability to eliminate stress, anxieties and worries.

10. You enjoy happiness and bliss.

11. You gain self mastery and self discipline.

12. It helps you relax your body and nerves.

13. The healing energies of the body work unhindered.

14. Being peaceful enables you not to be swayed by events, hardships and difficulties, and to maintain inner poise, clear judgement and common sense in such situations.

15. Inner peace eliminates negative, futile and restless thinking.

16. It improves your relationships with other people.

17. It makes life look brighter.

18. It increases creativity.

19. A peaceful mind improves the abiliy to meditate.

20. Possessing this ability opens the gateway to enlightenment and spiritual awakening.